MTC Bio’s newest line of high contrast, high sensitivity autoradiography film. Blu-Lite UHC™ film is specially formulated for an optimized balance of high sensitivity and low background. This low background, high contrast formula produces a lighter blue film, making it ideal for all autoradiographic and electrophoretic applications. In addition to Blu-Lite UHC’s excellent sensitivity and contrast characteristics, it is also coated on both sides (double emulsion) for improved consistency and overall performance.
Films reliably produce sharp images which allow for maximum DNA visualization with unsurpassed clarity. Compatible with automatic processors and manual development methods, Blu-Lite UHC™ compares directly with films costing 3-5 times as much. With a shelf life of 2 years from date of production, Blu-Lite UHC™ is packaged in lined, light-safe dispenser boxes that include an improved “lift off” cover. Film is packaged 100 sheets per box.

FREE* CoolCaddy (a $149 Value!) with your purchase of Five, Same-Size, Packs of Autoradiography Film
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*RULES - Promo Code BM22-3628
Participation in this offer is limited to purchases made in the period from 1/3/2022 through 12/31/2022 of Five, Same-Size, Packs of Autoradiography Film, CLS-1915-series, from Chemglass Life Sciences. Receive a free CoolCaddy, CLS-3628-100, with purchase. To qualify, purchaser must specify promo code BM22-3628 when placing the order.
Valid on US and Canadian purchases only. May not be combined with any other offer or discount. This offer is non-transferable and void where prohibited by law or company policy. Offer is subject to Chemglass Life Sciences’ standard terms, conditions and contracts. Offer not valid through distributors.